High School Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry Registration
Youth Ministry Registration Form available now online! This form is for all Middle and High School Youth participating in youth activities this year.
Youth have the God-given gifts and abilities to lead and be creative in many ways. We are here to support them in their journey.
Fun Stuff
Throughout the year, we provide opportunities for fun and community building. Check out the calendar for more info!
Youth are an important part of worship and are invited to serve in a variety of ways as readers, musicians, communion assistants, ushers and projection assistants.
Service Opportunities
Youth can get involved with service opportunities in our community and congregation throughout the year.
Safe Haven Policy
All adult leaders have been background checked and trained in our “Safe Haven Policy” to ensure that children and youth are safe while participating in programs and activities with us.
Permission Form
Every youth that participates in programs and activities with needs to complete a permission form.
For more information, please contact Pastor Deb Abbott at pastordeb@greeleylutheran.org.